Sometimes you may hear her whisper, softly. Sometimes she might shout at you loudly, with physical, mental or emotional pains. Your Authentic Self communicates through you in many ways, and her wisdom is relevant beyond your own life.

How can you honour who you truly are? How can you reinvent yourself, your identities, and bring your Creations to life, in service to Life? Real, meaningful change starts by looking within.

I offer spaces in which I bring my gentle Clarity, rich life experience, professional training and competence for you to remember who you Authentically are. Together, we discover your true potential and what is in the way for it to fully unfold in your life. From there, your next specific steps emerge.

These workshops bring you an experience of the potential of your conscious Anger as a Woman, based on the Workbook “Her Conscious Anger“, co-authored with Alice Belz. For Women’s groups, teams, circles.

Listen to inspiring and courageous Women on RAW Edgecast.
What is your unique piece to create the culture around you that you truly want to live in?

A yearly Immersion and other Group Trainings for Women. Practice new ways of being in connection with others, in a context of Radical Responsibility, so that you can be Authentically You.

Would you like to find out whether any of the above is for you?


We live in tumultuous and exciting times. Ours is a time of big cultural shifts, in which it is for Women to go first in creating next regenerative cultures that leave Patriarchy behind. You have a piece of this puzzle that is emerging now. It takes Courage to go for it. And you could consider that you were made for these times. Why else would you be here?

Radically Alive Women is a Gameworld that I co-originated so that Women learn new ways of collaborating as they become alive by honouring their radicles, their roots, without apologies. It is a container to play full out together on the path to authentic Adulthood.

You can join our in person Immersion or listen to our bi-weekly Edgecast “Radically Alive Women” (broadcast for Edgeworkers) and donate to support its creation here.

My work, my research, and my Authentic Self

Interview of Julia Neumann
by Lysa Black
Interview by Julia Neumann of
Julia Butterfly Hill
Indigenous Woman – Newest Project

Thank you for being Here Now.
