
Woman’s Shadow: Unconscious Sexual Energy

“The unconscious use of sexuality and sexual energy by women keeps them in Patriarchy, actually.”

Vera Franco, Possibility Management Trainer and Abundance Midwife, shares about the survival strategies of using unconscious sexual energy, mainly by women.

Listen to this episode to find out more about the Black Widow, the Grey Widow, and the White Widow sexual survival strategies. None of them being good or bad, we explore their differences and investigate their purpose as well as the transformation necessary for women to be truly empowered and fully alive.

“There’s a responsibility of women to claim back their sexual power and their sexual energy to create what they want.” 

Vera gives some specific possibilities on how to embark on this journey of Transformation and Aliveness.

Another rich interview. Let it work through you.

Find Vera’s website and offerings here: https://www.verafranco.org/

Some terms that come up in the interview and which you may want to learn more about:

1) 5 Bodies, including Energetic Body: https://5bodies.mystrikingly.com/
You not only have a physical and mental body, but you also have an emotional, energetic and archetypal body. Find out more via the link.

2) Giving your center away and claiming back your center:  https://becomecentered.mystrikingly.com/

When you are Centered you have power to consciously Choose among more options than are presented, power to Declare what is so and what is not, power to Ask questions the answers to which do not exist in current reality, and power to take unprecedented action. These are standard Initiated Adult powers.

3) Getting your anger back: https://consciousanger.mystrikingly.com/

Julia Neumann

I am a pioneer exploring the edges of current realities, venturing into unknown territories to collaboratively co-create a regenerative culture in service of life. The best way I know how is to empower you to bring forth your unique gifts and dreams.

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