Women’s Dragon Speaking Convention
There’s a Dragon
inside you who’s waiting for you to wake up and speak: to speak all these things that you’ve held back for so long, to the extent that you may actually believe you have nothing to say.

Your Dragon speaks of what you are here for, what you stand for, what your vision is for yourself, your family, your community, for Gaia.
Dragon speaking is explained in this short video by Anne-Chloe Destremau:
During our 2 hr session, you will get to tap into your Dragon and let her speak. Let yourself be surprised. 

Sybille will offer her magic to move with music into anger, from which the dragon then can emerge.

It’s only $15 for the two hour session.
Spaceholders: Sybille Biedert and Julia Neumann
Sign up here: https://forms.gle/La7tfhigg648PRK38