
What are you dreaming of?

A Dreamshop to dream into Being
You are a dreamer.
You might dream of another way of being with each other. Maybe you dream of a different world?
“You’re just dreaming”, or “that’s not real”, would have been some of the ways in which you were told directly or indirectly to stop dreaming. Now these voices live in your head and stop you from creating what your heart longs for.
There’s a clear perception of what is “real”, or “realistic”, in modern culture, and it’s mostly a very limited perception of the world. Yet it is a human super skill to be able to dream, imagine, and envision. Every creation starts with a dream.
In this 2hr “Dreamshop”, we will explore together what your dreams, your visions, are or want to be. In breakout sessions, you will get to experience the wisdom of the dreams that you specifically carry.
This is not a dream analysing or interpreting workshop. Instead, we want to find out with you what your heart longs for, and co-create the dream space in which anything is possible.
Imagine for a moment what dreams are capable of. Imagine that by dreaming, envisioning, you add a drop into the ocean of possibility, where you may find your dream come into existence without your “doing” anything else but holding the vision? When enough people share the same dream, the mass grows enough for it to come to life. Imagine how your dream could affect your community, and the world.
15 March, 8:30-10:30pm CET / 3:30-5:30pm EDT
16th March, 8:30-10:30am NZDT
Online via Zoom
Kathrin Düser and Julia Neumann
Your investment:
€20-40 / $40-60


Mar 16 2022


08:30 - 22:30






Julia Neumann

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