Edgecast Podcast
Radically Alive Women
The importance of Grief: Kiri Bear (full episode)

If you’ve already listened to Part 1 of this episode, you can jump straight to minute 13:22 and continue where you left off.

“Death is right here. (…) That reality can be frightening (…) but it is also liberating somehow, and galvanizing, because death makes life precious. It’s precious because it’s finite. (..) And it’s mysterious because you never know when that moment is going to come. (…) But bringing death closer in my experience really enriches life. “

Kiri Bear is a Grief Plumber, supporting people in their grief to make space for Love, and life, to flow.

In this episode, Kiri shares of the importance of grief, of the effects of suppressed grief on people’s hearts, and on the relation between Grief and Love. The second half of the episode gives some hints on holding space for grief.

Kiri holds space for grieving processes as well as funerals. Contact her to find out more about the importance of grief for your life.

This is the recording of a quite personal interview that was too good not to publish. I am grateful that Kiri agreed to publish our conversation for you to be able to listen to it.

Julia Neumann

I am a pioneer exploring the edges of current realities, venturing into unknown territories to collaboratively co-create a regenerative culture in service of life. The best way I know how is to empower you to bring forth your unique gifts and dreams.

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