Radically alive humans help life on this planet stand a chance.

Radicle is the first root that shoots out from a seedling. It is strong and goes deep. This is what we’re creating with other women: Being the source, honoring our depth, being centered and grounded.
Reclaiming anger, sadness, fear and joy. Owning our shadows. Loving fiercely. Being wild, gentle, soft, playful, vulnerable. Dancing, moving, sitting still. Cooking, eating, sharing. Choosing the stories we have about each other and ourselves. Being radically honest.

We are creating a Next Women’s Culture that leaves Patriarchy, Tall Poppy Syndrome, and Snake-Making behind. It is time to inhabit the Queen that you are.
Find your next possibility to join us for our 3-day Immersion, facilitated by Sybille Biedert and Julia Neumann, here.