I can fully let go into her Clarity and into her Presence. It allows me to also touch onto the emotions that are in the way of my Gameworld, and to find next steps.

When Julia holds space for Gameworld building, I can fully let go into her Clarity and into her Presence. It allows me to also touch onto the emotions that are in the way of my Gameworld, and to find next steps.

I experienced that the level of chaos that can be inside of me is met with loving Clarity that really helps to unfold the guardianship and the deeper layers of the purpose of the Gameworld. Each time after a session, I had this deeper sense of connection with moving forward, even if not knowing really how it goes. But there is this sense of gently moving, and the ability to cut things. Julia’s support has empowering ways to cut the stake into pieces, so that it is a long-term way to go, and it does not all have to happen at the same time.

I appreciate about Julia’s spaceholding that when my fear is high, or when emotions are in the space that she also can move with the emotions and has the ability to really look deeper what there is in finding answers, and finding roadblocks that are in the way, so that I can find my answers and build the Gameworld in its pace and in its clarity that comes from gentle growth.

One of Julia’s qualities is that she has access to a deep Nothing space that allows the entity of the Gameworld to speak and to have spaciousness, to unfold beyond the Box limitations that would normally get in the way.

I recommend Julia’s Gameworld consulting for anyone that is taking steps, wanting to explore what they’re taking a stand for with their Gameworld and how to build it out, and build a team around it.

Julia Neumann

I am a pioneer exploring the edges of current realities, venturing into unknown territories to collaboratively co-create a regenerative culture in service of life. The best way I know how is to empower you to bring forth your unique gifts and dreams.

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